St. Petersburg International Educational Forum is a world-class event

Every year for a few days St. Petersburg becomes the education centre of Russia, an open platform for discussions, exchange of experience and effective professional interaction between the leading experts in the field of education.

St. Petersburg International Educational Forum

The programme of the Forum is becoming more and more challenging, the range of issues under discussion has been expanding year by year






participating countries

About the Forum
St. Petersburg International Educational Forum

At first steps the Forum gathered specialists from St. Petersburg schools alone, but soon colleagues from other Russian regions joined them, and, then, the event attracted the attention of experts in the field of education from other countries. Having passed a long path of evolutionary development, the St. Petersburg Education Forum became international.

St. Petersburg International Educational Forum

Today this is an inter-institutional event. Outstanding scientists, educators, politicians, educational leaders, publicity and culture representatives discuss issues of global education as the fundamental basis for development of society and construction of future.